A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of taking Brandi & Jacob's engagement photos. We had a great time. Kris acted as my lovely assistant, which always makes me feel much more confident, with her behind me, helpin me along. We had fun. Aren't they such a cute couple? Here are a couple of my favorites!

I like Brandi in a dress! Don't often see that in pics anymore. The girlfriend weekend is evolving! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend! Love, Momma Marion
Great pictures, Lindsey!!
Hey Baby, stalk me all you want. i saw ya'll at the court house. I'll be praying about your feet. I'll go get my bath, so if & when you bring Kristen home, I can offer you a big glass of tea & a recliner to put your feet up!!!! Love ya, Baby girl! Momma C
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