Thursday, September 5, 2013

the dodgins, mcloeds & torres families - july 2013

oh my goodness.  i am embarrassed how neglected this poor blog has been.  however, i feel like it doesn't get a lot of traffic any more, so maybe i should let it go anyway.  are blogs out?  i don't know.  i am not on the up and up...but either way, send your feedback. i would love to know.

now for the main event!  the dodgins, mcloeds and torres' all found common ground right here in Amarillo in July for a family get-together and allowed me to photograph their beautiful families!  we had a great time, a beautiful day, and made some great memories.  thank you all for sharing your time with me! <3 p="">
there were actually so many favorites that i had to narrow it down...that's saying something since i am my own worst critic!  let me know what you think.


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