This precious baby girl - my lil angel-baby niece - Landry Ryann just turned ONE!! I cannot believe how quickly that came and went! She's precious & I miss her so much! I wish I could see her every day! Her mama & daddy put on a BIG celebration just for the occasion and luckily got to make the trip down there to attend. It was great & we had so much fun. But it only makes me miss her so much more!
Miss Landry, you are perfect & beautiful in every way. I am so lucky to be your Aunt Lili. :)
**We snuck in a quick photo shoot before her party started. Check out my favs & leave me some words down below there...I'd love to hear what you think.
"Baby Blue, was the color of her eyes...Baby Blue."
(that's what she was thinking, bc her Aunt Lili says that ALL THE TIME!)
"GET OFF!!!"
One with all the grandkids:
So, my mom says to me all the time {jokingly}, "you call yourself a photographer, but you can't get 1 decent picture of my grandkids together?" - well, guess what? adding 1 more to the mix doesn't help!! this is literally the best of 20 shots I took of them...I am not a 'look at the camera' kind-of-girl, but let's NOT all look like you just smelled a fart, ok?!?! haha!! GEEZ.
Celebratory Cigar! Stick-style! lol Crazy girl.
SMASH CAKE by Aunt Mandi
(Dustin's sister - she does AMAZING work)
We love you oh-so-very-much!!!
<3 p="p">
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