Friday, April 1, 2011

...the 3 mini-Grider's...

i am a grider groupie.  i officially love this family!  there is never a dull moment, between LITERALLY chasing dillon to take his photo, trying to convince kasey that the best photos of her will be the ones when she keeps her feet on the ground (she was trying to do kartwheels) and rolling around & laying on the concrete to be on derek's "level"...I HAD A GREAT TIME.  i always have a great time with them, though.  they are more than clients.  they are FRIENDS.  and i am soooo glad that they choose me for the priceless moments like these.

i LOVE their mother, jessica - superMOM, for sure.  not sure how she does it (and still has hair) but i hope i have half her strength someday.  ok, enough blubbering...let's get to the "goods". 

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