Yet another handsome little boy has graced this world...Mr. Caisen Cordell Clark, son of TJ & Bobbi was FINALLY born on August 9, 2008. He may have been late & dad may have even had to admit that he 'got beat by brad', but Caisen knew what he was doing. He just wanted his very own day & his very own bday parties! That's why he waited a week!

But don't tell her Daddy! :)

He is precious, calm & already funny! We put his little Longhorns outfit on, sat him in the 'boppie' (which i think is awesome) & went in for some shots...only he went straight to sleep! All of the first pictures in his session were 'eyes closed'! We eventually woke him up & got some great shots - it was fantastic!

What a blessing God has sent down to TJ & Bobbi. Who could look at these little toes & even question what an awesome God we have? It is truly amazing. I cannot believe I now know 3 newborns w/in a wk of each other! (kinsler=8/2, caisen=8/9, & teagan=8/13) -->it's been some month! WOW, baby fever is suffocating me! I need to stop!

Thank you guys for a wonderful session & I hope there are more to come. I cannot wait to watch him grow along with the other two lil ones. I appreciate you letting me be a part of his very first 'photo-shoot'! ~linds
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