Yep, you read that correctly! I AM FINALLY PREGNANT. I was waiting to announce it until we were further along, but we have known for almost 5 weeks! I will be 9 weeks on Thursday! Our due date is August 27, 2009...We couldn't be more excited.
The picture below is how we told both sets of parents (or should I say grandparents)!!! It was amazing getting to tell them all at Christmas time. Both mothers cried...shocker! All of our friends are extremely happy too.

Anyway, that all leads up to yesterday. Our first sonogram. It was incredible. I truly think that these are the BEST pictures I have seen yet! :) I cannot explain what it was like watching the baby move, hearing the baby's heartbeat, etc...OUR OWN LITTLE GUMMY BEAR.

Lindsey, thanks so much for commenting on my blog. i love meeting new people in blogland, so thanks for stopping by. congrats as well. we are only about two weeks apart. we can share in the indecencies of pregnancy together. LOL. nice to meet you. say hello to the precious terrell's for me!
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