So, I have not had a chance to tell you all about the twins first birthday party! It was great. They had soo many presents! I don't even know who likes them! HA! They were princesses for the day, as you can see - OH WAIT! They are princesses all the time. They are beautiful & precious & perfect! Trey & I love them so much!!


The cake-eating experience! Hilarious! Mac was trying to share w/ Bri!

Here's Bri, after the mess, drinking from her sippy cup! What a mess they were!

Mac, telling us all about, as usual! She always has something to say!

Briley thinking about that cake, real hard! She is going to be like me & over-analyze EVERYTHING!!

Mac, with the softball - Aren't you proud, Daddy?? :)

Again, Bri thinkin' bout it! She doesn't really know if she wants that ice cream or not!

Mother Theresa & the 'bow-headed' girls, while opening their 300 gifts! They got great stuff!

McKinley w/ Daddy - Asking me why I am still (and as usual) in her face w/ that dang camera!

We had a fantanstic time at their birthday party & wish them many, many more to come! Hope we get to be a part of the next 100 birthdays! (Well, don't know that we will live that long, but just to make the point that we LOVE being a part of their lives!) Hope all is well in everyone's world...As soon as I get some more clients, I will have more to share! Send them my way! ;)
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